Tim Sanders on How to Save the World From Your Office Published: Jan 24, 2019 The Mayo Clinic is one of the world’s most prestigious organizations, one that fosters a culture that exceeds customer expectations and earns deep loyalty from both customers and employees. Service business authority Leonard Berry and Mayo Clinic marketing administrator Kent Seltman had the rare opportunity to study Mayo Clinic's service culture and systems from the inside by conducting personal interviews as well as observing hundreds of clinician-patient interactions. The result is Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic, a book about how the Clinic's business concept produces stellar clinical results, organizational efficiency, and interpersonal service. Leonard Berry, PhD, is Distinguished Professor of Marketing, and holds the M.B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. He is also Professor of Humanities in Medicine, College of Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center. Dr. Berry is the author of several service quality bestsellers and the recipient of the 2007 American Marketing Association/Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award and the 2008 Paul D. Converse Award. Kent Seltman, PhD, served as director of marketing at Mayo Clinic from 1992 through 2006. With more than 25 years of experience in healthcare marketing, Dr. Seltman writes and lectures frequently on marketing and branding. He also served as editor of Marketing Health Services, published by the American Marketing Association. For additional training on this topic, consider these AMA seminars: * The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire, Influence, and Achieve Results (#2130) * Igniting Commitment (#2276) * Leadership and Team Development for Managerial Success (#2239) * Leading with Emotional Intelligence (Course #2133)Every one of us, regardless of title or position, can inspire our companies to change the way they do business, helping them to become a positive force for enriching people, communities, and the environment. When this happens, not only do we help save...Every one of us, regardless of title or position, can inspire our companies to change the way they do business, helping them to become a positive force for enriching people, communities, and the environment. When this happens, not only do we help save the world, we help save our companies from becoming irrelevant. Companies that don't participate in this revolution risk becoming obsolete. In Saving the World at Work, Tim Sanders offers concrete suggestions on how all of us can help our companies join the Responsibility Revolution. Drawing on extensive interviews with hundreds of employees and CEOs, and illuminated by countless stories of people who are making a difference in the workplace and in the world, Sanders offers practical advice every individual and company can use to make the world a better place--now and in the future. Tim Sanders is the author of Love Is the Killer App and a top speaker on the lecture circuit. He was the chief solutions officer at Yahoo!Inc. from 2001to 2005, where he worked on next-generation business strategies. He has been featured in Time and USA TODAY, and has appeared on Today, CNN, Fox and Friends, Tucker Carlson, and on national radio.AMA_Edgewise_0843.mp3