Thomas Davenport on Keeping Up with the Quants Published: Jan 24, 2019 Thomas Davenport talks about the importance of analytics at all levels of the organization. Thomas Davenport, business analytics expert, believes that analytics are an important decision-making tool for all levels of an organization. Everyone has received credit card offers in the mail from Capital One but not everyone realizes that our response to those offers is carefully monitored. If a 12.9% balance transfer offer doesn't generate a response, soon a 12.8 offer will arrive in the mail. If a red envelope doesn't get someone's attention, soon a blue envelope will arrive. Capital One doesn't stop there, continuing to keep track of their customers so they know that it is a valued customer on the phone to close their account and that they should be transferred to a customer service specialist right away who can make deals and keep the customer. This focus on analytics, even on the front-side of the company, has returned more value to Capital One shareholders than any other company in the United States. This is just one example of a company using analytics to help make faster, more informed decisions. AMA_Edgewise_1311.mp3