Steven Pressfield on Doing the Work

Published: Jan 24, 2019

How many brilliant projects have you begun in your mind? In this episode of Edgewise, author Steven Pressfield discusses his latest book, Do the Work, which is geared to be a mental boot camp that kick starts artists and entrepreneurs out of their heads and into action. Steven takes on public enemy #1, resistance, which comes in the form of fear of failure for some, or research paralysis for others. Steven’s goal is to have you is to recognize your limiting thoughts and behaviors, fight them, and get the work DONE. While he targets creative people, the ideas are applicable to anyone relying on inner strength to execute a meaningful endeavor. Steven helps us think of resistance as the rest-stop on your creative path. You know it’s coming up.  So, are you going to stop and get the Cinnabon? Or hold out and accelerate down your road to success.

The Artists and Entrepreneurs Manifesto Against Resistance

How many brilliant projects have you begun in your mind? In this episode of Edgewise, author Steven Pressfield discusses his latest book, Do the Work, which is geared to be a mental boot camp that kick starts artists and entrepreneurs out of their heads and into action. He takes on public enemy #1, resistance, which comes in the form of fear of failure for some, or research paralysis for others. Pressfield's goal is to have you recognize your limiting thoughts and behaviors, fight them, and get the work DONE. While he targets creative people, the ideas are applicable to anyone relying on inner strength to execute a meaningful endeavor. Pressfield helps us think of resistance as the rest-stop on your creative path. You know it’s coming up.  So, are you going to stop and get the Cinnabon? Or hold out and accelerate down your road to success.
