John Kotter on Using Urgency to Your Advantage

Published: Jan 24, 2019

In order to succeed in their industries, decision-makers today need to anticipate the future outcomes not only in their own industry but also in society and technology as well. Futures analyst Adam Gordon has spent a lifetime deciphering changes and trends in a variety of industries. His book Future Savvy (AMACOM) is a hands-on guide for how to evaluate the business, social, and technology forecasts in both the mainstream media and specialized reporting. Adam Gordon MS, MBA (INSEAD) is an acknowledged and credentialed expert in the field of industry foresight and future studies. He has been an analyst, consultant, facilitator, and teacher in this field during the past dozen years, during which he has developed various foresight projects to help private and public-sector organizations anticipate and respond to emerging opportunities. Gordon has appeared on NPR’s Morning Edition and CNN World Report, in addition to a number of radio shows worldwide. He has written many op-ed pieces and has been featured or serialized in various newspapers, including, most recently, The Times (London). As the director of The Future Studio, he facilitates industry foresight seminars, and teaches strategic planning in various prominent executive and MBA programs around the world. He was previously a Senior Associate at Coates & Jarratt, Inc., a future strategy consulting firm in Washington, DC., and before that, a journalist at Business Report. For additional training on this topic, consider these AMA seminars: * Strategic Agility and Resilience: Embracing Change to Drive Growth * Planning and Managing Organizational Change * Green Leadership To learn more, read these AMACOM Books: * Future Savvy, by Adam Gordon * Future, Inc., by Eric Garland * Shaping the Future, by William P. Belgard, Steven R. RaynerMost organizational change initiatives fail spectacularly (at worst) or deliver lukewarm results (at best). In his international bestseller Leading Change, John Kotter revealed why change is so hard, and provided an actionable, eight-step process for...Most organizational change initiatives fail spectacularly (at worst) or deliver lukewarm results (at best). In his international bestseller Leading Change, John Kotter revealed why change is so hard, and provided an actionable, eight-step process for implementing successful transformations. The book became the change bible for managers worldwide. Now, in his new book, A Sense of Urgency, Kotter shines the spotlight on the crucial first step in his framework: creating a sense of urgency by getting people to actually see and feel the need for change.
