Jeanne Bliss on Treating Customers Like They're Your Mom Published: Jan 24, 2019 When we think of customer service we tend to focus on the front line employees who are taking the customer phone calls. While they are often the face of the organization, there are thousands of decisions made throughout the company than wind up making customers feel less-than great. Jeanne Bliss, author of the new book Would You Do That to Your Mother, says that treating customers with respect is something that needs to permeate the entire organization, from customer facing roles all the way to the CEO.When we think of customer service we tend to focus on the front line employees who are taking the customer phone calls. When we think of customer service we tend to focus on the front line employees who are taking the customer phone calls. While they are often the face of the organization, there are thousands of decisions made throughout the company than wind up making customers feel less-than great. Jeanne Bliss, author of the new book Would You Do That to Your Mother, says that treating customers with respect is something that needs to permeate the entire organization, from customer facing roles all the way to the CEO.AMA_Edgewise_1819.mp3