George Anders on Finding Exceptional Talent

Published: Jan 24, 2019

What changes should your organization consider in order to get the most out of the recruitment process? New York Times bestselling author, George Anders, discusses this in his new book entitled, The Rare Find: Spotting Exceptional Talent Before Everyone Else.  George emphasizes the importance of new technologies and social networking and how they play a critical role in finding all stars for your organization. In addition, George explains why testing and assessments are key elements of the recruiting process to build a strong team and corporate culture. Listen and learn as George shares how highly successful organizations such as GE, Facebook, and the U.S. Army identifying, recruit, and cultivate top performers.

Adopting New Tactics for Efficient Recruiting

What changes should your organization consider in order to get the most out of the recruitment process? New York Times bestselling author, George Anders, discusses this in his new book titled, The Rare Find: Spotting Exceptional Talent Before Everyone Else.  He emphasizes the importance of new technologies and social networking and how they play a critical role in finding all stars for your organization. In addition, he explains why testing and assessments are key elements of the recruiting process to build a strong team and corporate culture. Listen and learn as Anders shares how highly successful organizations such as GE, Facebook, and the U.S. Army identifying, recruit, and cultivate top performers.
