David Braun on Mergers and Acquisitions Published: Jan 24, 2019 You've probably seen Pretty Woman, Wall Street, or Working Girl and think you have an idea of how mergers and acquisitions work: a big scary company comes to buy a small company and sell it for scrap. You've probably seen Pretty Woman, Wall Street, or Working Girl and think you have an idea of how mergers and acquisitions work: a big scary company comes to buy a small company and sell it for scrap. You've probably seen Pretty Woman, Wall Street, or Working Girl and think you have an idea of how mergers and acquisitions work: a big scary company comes to buy a small company and sell it for scrap. David Braun, founder and CEO of Capstone, is here to tell you that is so outside the realm of reality "you could actually call it science fiction." He joins us on Edgewise to bust some more myths about how mergers and acquisitions work from both sides of the table.AMA_Edgewise_1725.mp3