Betty Shotton on the Principles of Liftoff Leadership

Published: Jan 24, 2019

In the episode of Edgewise, Betty Shotton shares her experience as a serial entrepreneur, having founded and lead 6 companies. Betty recently authored Liftoff Leadership, in which she pinpoints the key qualities and attributes necessary to kick-start your leadership trajectory. Betty stresses her “pre-flight checklist,” and a series of assessments and questions, which she says allows leaders to identify their guiding principles. Listen as she shares a few of the ten principles noted in her book, including: altruism, balance, and possibility.Elevating Your Leadership Potential

In this episode of Edgewise, Betty Shotton shares her experience as a serial entrepreneur, having founded and led six companies. She recently authored Liftoff Leadership, in which she pinpoints the key qualities and attributes necessary to kick-start your leadership trajectory.  She suggests a “pre-flight checklist,” and a series of assessments and questions, which she says allows leaders to identify their guiding principles. Listen as Shotton shares a few of the ten principles noted in her book, including: altruism, balance, and possibility.
