JetBlue Chairman: The 10 Laws of Trust

Published: Jan 24, 2019
Modified: Mar 21, 2019

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Building the Bonds That Make an Organization Great

Trust is the glue that holds an organization together. It turns deflection into transparency, suspicion into empowerment, and conflict into creativity. With it, a tiny company like John Deere grew into a worldwide leader.

Without it, a giant corporation like Enron toppled.

In this webcast, JetBlue chairman Joel Peterson explores how a culture of trust gives companies an edge.

Consider this: What does it feel like to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another? Freed from micromanagement and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best. Risk taking and innovation become the norm.

Join us to gain practical insight into ways to establish and maintain a culture of trust.

This program gets you on the path to planting the seeds of trust—and reaping the rewards of reputation, profits, and success.



Joel Peterson is the Chairman of JetBlue Airways and a consulting professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. In addition, he is chairman of Peterson Partners, a Salt Lake City-based private equity group with $1 billion under management. Formerly he was Managing Partner of Trammel Crow, one of the nation’s leading real estate developers. He is the author of The 10 Laws of Trust, published by AMACOM.