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Business Writing Made Simple

In just one day, sharpen your skills to convey credibility and get results.

Your writing says a lot about you. Weak writing can be a sign that you lack professionalism and credibility. Strong writing conveys that you are skilled and trustworthy. This practical 1-day course comes packed with in-class exercises and offers immediate feedback to help you quickly develop this crucial skill. Learn a simple process for crafting a clear and concise message and get hands-on practice writing for the results you want—in the correct tone — and with complete clarity and precision. You’ll also review correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, and learn to avoid common problems in business communications.

Seminar Number: 02829

(114 reviews)
  • Live Online
  • At Your Company Location

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Who Should Attend

All professionals who want to learn and practice a fast, simple, proven approach to essential and effective business writing.

  •   Live Online1 Day(s)
    0.6 CEU, 6 CLP

Your writing says a lot about you. Weak writing can be a sign that you lack professionalism and credibility. Strong writing conveys that you are skilled and trustworthy.

This practical 1-day course comes packed with in-class exercises and offers immediate feedback to help you quickly develop this crucial skill. Learn a simple process for crafting a clear and concise message and get hands-on practice writing for the results you want—in the correct toneand with complete clarity and precision. You’ll also review correct grammar, punctuation and spelling, and learn to avoid common problems in business communications.

  • Write clear, concise, and effective documents that get real results
  • Get through writer’s block and finish a draft quickly
  • Choose the right words to set the right tone
  • Persuade resistant readers to act on your recommendations
  • Deliver difficult messages in tactful ways
  • Avoid common grammar, punctuation, and writing errors
  • Understanding the basics of effective business writing
  • Pinpointing your purpose and desired results
  • Writing well at the document, paragraph, sentence, and word levels
  • Creating drafts that project the right tone
  • Getting through writer’s block by harnessing the P-O-W-E-R writing process
  • Writing a persuasive business case
  • Delivering bad news and unpopular messages
  • Developing an action plan to keep you growing as a writer

Learning Objectives

  • Write Simply in Ways That Get Real Results
  • Get Through Writer’s Block and Finish a Draft Quickly
  • Choose the Right Words to Set the Right Tone
  • Persuade Resistant Readers to Act on Your Recommendations
  • Deliver Bad News and Unpopular Messages in Tactful Ways
  • Avoid Common Grammar, Punctuation, and Writing Errors

An Approach for Writing Simply

  • Describe Three Measures of Effective Business Writing
  • Describe Seven Rules for Writing Simply
  • Use the SMART Model for Writing Simple Messages
  • Avoid Common Business Writing Problems

Seven Rules for Writing Simply

  • Understand and Apply Rules for Writing Simply—at the Document, Paragraph, Sentence and Word Levels
  • Understand and Avoid Common Errors in Grammar and Punctuation—Overwriting, Faulty Parallelism, Missing Commas, and Comma Splices

Writing Simply in Difficult Situations

  • Follow the P-O-W-E-R Writing Process to Get Through Writer’s Block
  • Apply Tips for Simplifying Complex Information
  • Use the Indirect Approach for Delivering Bad News
  • Write a Persuasive Business Case

Download Extended Seminar Outline PDF

View a Sample of Our Reviews


114 reviews

I thought the instructor was very engaging and did a great job of getting the class involved. I think there was a nice balance of working on your own and involving the others who were a part of the class. The instructor took the time to walk around the classroom and examine everyone's work and provide constructive feedback.
SMART & POWER are very good tools that I can relate and will keep in mind and use in my writing.
Nice facility, great seminars and decent sized classes!
It was extremely informative and productive! There was so much to learn, and the instructor made the experience effective and entertaining at the same time!
Great instructor made a burning topic exciting and very relevant to our roles.

American Management Association is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

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5 Sessions Available

1495.00 $