Build your professional brand as a credible and trustworthy team member by developing your ability to communicate effectively, manage your emotions and foster positive work relationships. Enhance your ability to get the job done by planning for success, while prioritizing and balancing your workload.

Applying Mindful Behaviors at Work
Learn how to practice mindfulness to become less reactive and tackle stress in the workplace.

Recognizing and Navigating Unconscious Bias
Learn how to identify the signs of unconscious bias in the workplace, and how it can impact your team.

Understanding and Applying Your Locus of Control at Work
Learn how to develop an internal locus of control to reframe negative thoughts and create successful coping skills for emotionally charged situations.

Building and Maintaining Trust
Learn the characteristics of trust, how your worldview affects your perception of people and situations, and how to avoid "trust busting" actions.

Being an Ally in a Diverse Working World
Build knowledge around the importance of allyship in an organization and learn how to become an ally.

Strategies for Managing Situational Conflict
Learn how to define conflict and acquire strategies to manage conflicts within an organization.

Building Credibility and Trust for Improved Communication
Learn strategies to build self-confidence and improve your credibility and trustworthiness with co-workers.

Building Better Work Relationships
Discover how to control your assumptions and to understand the behavior of others in order to build trusting work relationships.

Establishing Presence and Credibility
Explore the four ways to develop greater presence and credibility at work.

Building your Strengths as a R.E.A.L Team Player
Learn how to be a REAL team player—someone who accepts responsibilities, is empowered to make things better, accepts accountability and learns enthusiastically and continuously.

Assertive Communication Skills for Women
In business, women may face challenging perceptions about their assertive behaviors. Learn how be comfortable and confident in asserting yourself as a valuable and effective team member.

Crash Course in Mistake-Free Business Writing
Business writing must be clear—but it also needs to convey a strong professional image. Learn how to troubleshoot punctuation, grammar and other writing pitfalls so you can produce mistake-free communications.

How to Manage Your Emotions While Under Stress
Get the skills needed to maintain control of your emotions at work, whatever the situation.