Do You Need an "Attitude Adjustment?"

Published: Jan 24, 2019
Modified: Mar 26, 2020

Right or wrong, the image you project in the workplace can have a stronger affect on how others perceive you than does the actual quality of your work. Before a word is spoken, people make judgments about you based solely on what they see. So it’s well worth your time to analyze your attitude and the image you present to your boss and colleagues.

A positive image can be defined as one that “projects congruency among visual, vocal,
and verbal communication skills to establish immediate rapport.” In other words, the way you look, speak, and act support your intended message.

What kind of image do you present? Take the following “Affirmative Attitude Assessment” from AMA’s seminar “Projecting a Positive Professional Image” to find out.

Affirmative Attitude Assessment
Directions: Read the following 10 statements and rate yourself for each on a scale of 10 to 1, with 10 being the most positive your attitude can register and 1 the most negative.

At the present time:

  1. The enthusiasm I feel about myself, my job, and my life rates a ___?
  2. My creativity rates a ___?
  3. My sense of humor (especially being able to laugh at myself) rates ___?
  4. My eagerness to take calculated risks (not reckless abandon) rates a ___?
  5. My interaction with the people I meet every day rates a ___?
  6. The #1 “significant other” in my life would rate my attitude as a ___?
  7. My boss would rate my attitude as a ___?
  8. My co-workers and family would rate my attitude as a ___?
  9. Judging by the compliments I have received recently my attitude rates a ___?
  10. Objectively, realistically and honestly, I rate my attitude as a ___?

How to interpret your score:
Total Points
: _____
90–100    A: for Affirmative Attitude. You are a person everyone would like to know!
89–70      B: for could be Better with a few minor adjustments!
69–50      C: for Consider a major attitude adjustment.
Below 50 D: for make a Deal with yourself for a complete change in present mind-set.

Attitude Adjustment Tools
S = simplify to beautify
U = use humor to see flip side
C = clarify goals and mission
C = create professional presence
E = exercise body, mind, spirit
S = share positive attitude
S = shield from negative

Now that you have done some thinking about your attitude, take a few minutes to write your personal/professional mission statement. A very simple approach to a personal mission statement is to consider the following:
1. What do I do?
2. For/with whom?
3. I do this through …

Example: “I work with business people and their organizations to build communication
bridges, not barriers. I do this through my workshops, seminars, and keynote
addresses entitled ‘Fearless Presentations, Teams Work and People Leaders are
People Readers.’”

4. Articulate your mission statement to anyone, at any time, anywhere when appropriate. When we are clear about who we are and what we do, and can articulate this message to others, we project confidence, competence, and credibility.

Attitude is our most important and valuable possession! It is the one thing in life of which we have 100% control. We have no choice as to whether or not we project an attitude. We do, however, have a choice as to the direction it is moving, positive or negative.

If we choose positive, we spread positive energy to everyone with whom we come in contact each day. If we choose negative, we spread negative energy to everyone with whom we come in contact each day. And they spread positive or negative energy to others, and so on, and so on, and so on. The ripple effect continues… Attitude is a powerful force. The choice of what kind of energy you spread is yours! This is an awesome responsibility!

© American Management Association

The information in this article was adapted from AMA’s seminar Projecting a Positive Professional Image.