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Chris Monteiro on Taking Social Media Seriously

Chris Monteiro , head of MasterCard Worldwide Communications, shares communication strategies that companies should use to help drive growth. Monteiro is in charge of supporting global communications integration, helping the company achieve its vision of a world beyond cash. MasterCard, whose revenu

Chris Yeh and Ben Casnocha on the Employee's Tour of Duty

In the book The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age authors Chris Yeh and Ben Casnocha, along with Reid Hoffman talk about the relationship between managers and employees and why an alliance-style of communication between the two parties is the most beneficial. They refer to this style as

Christine Eberle on Social Media and Corporate Culture

Although corporations recognize social media as a powerful tool for talent recruitment, customer engagement and sharing information, many organizations find their social media initiatives fail. According to Christine Eberle , contributor to The Social Media Management Handbook , this is often due to

Christopher Frank and Paul Magnone on Overcoming Information Overload

In this age of excess information, research paralysis often impedes business leaders in decision making. Christopher Frank and Paul Magnone , authors of the new book, Drinking from the Fire Hose: Making Smarter Decisions Without Drowning in Information , explain the power of asking key questions to

Christopher Surdak on Data Crush

With data crush, an overwhelming mass of information becomes readily available to individuals and companies. While things we need and want have become increasingly and conveniently available to us, it has also become harder to protect ourselves from deeper analysis of our psyches (re: spending habit

Chuck Martin on Leadership Smarts

Chuck Martin is Chairman and CEO of NFI Research, a firm that analyzes business and management trends. His new book " Smarts: Are We Hardwired for Success? ", identifies the key behavioral skills that determine success in the workplace. AMA has collaborated with Martin to develop a new seminar, Lead

Chuck Martin on Our Third Digital Transformation

We are currently in the era of the Internet of Things. What does that mean and how does it affect us? Chuck Martin joins us to talk about his new book Digital Transformation 3.0 and what it means for us as workers and as employees.

Claire Wyckoff and Nat Stoddard on Selecting the Right Leader

Leadership failures damage or even destroy companies every day. The Right Leader: Selecting Executives Who Fit  by Nat Stoddard and Claire Wyckoff  describes a revolutionary process for selecting executives based on years of consulting for some of America’s largest companies. The book

Clayton Christensen on Disruptive Innovation

Clayton Christensen talks to us about the benefits of a strong Disruptive Innovation plan.

Cleve Stevens on Transformational, Not Transactional, Leadership

Being a manager doesn’t make you a leader and you can lead without being a manager. According to Cleve Stevens, leadership is a state of mind, not a title to be handed out.