Trigger Points: Effective Performance Indicators for Your Company

Published: Aug 22, 2019
Modified: Feb 12, 2020

There’s nothing wrong with having “hope” in tough times,  but clearly “hope” is not a business strategy, a fact that’s become very evident in recent history, given these tough economic times. Nationwide, company owners who’ve casually relied upon “hope” as a viable way to manage or turn around business have suffered serious professional consequences. Some have faced cutbacks in terms of services, products, and staff; others have closed their doors for good. 

Fortunately, there is still “hope” for countless other leaders who are looking for a simple but powerful way to measure the health of their business.  The strategy is based around setting “trigger points,” which are measurements specifically created to signal important changes in critical performance levels. These indicators are established to align with a company’s Vital Factors, the specific, key indicators of a business’ health.  By monitoring these performance markers, leaders can take immediate corrective action and avoid the serious consequences of not acting quickly enough.

Real-World Examples of Trigger Point Performance Indicators

So what do trigger points look like, and how do they work? There’s a perfect example in the story of what happened to a prominent Big Ten football coach a few years back. After a miserable losing streak, the university had some decisions to make about whether or not to keep the head coach on board, so they brought in an interim athletic director to help. At this point, there were four games left in the season, so the interim athletic director set performance indicators, or “triggers”, in place. If the coach won all four games, they would move forward, keeping him in charge. If he lost one game, corrective action would be necessary. If he lost two out of four, he could expect serious consequences in terms of his job security, and if he lost all four, the head coach would need to get his résumé together immediately.

Under the leadership of this Big Ten coach, the football team lost the final four games of the season.  When the coach was fired, the interim athletic director held a press conference, at which a reporter asked him if the coach had been surprised about being let go. The answer was “No.” The process of setting these performance indicators in place had removed the subjectivity out of the issue, established expectations, and made it very clear what consequences there would be for either success or failure.

Setting Performance Markers at Your Company

When a company follows this lead, it’s the management’s responsibility to develop effective corrective actions attached to the performance markers. Doing so eliminates the emotion that can come when goals are not met. Companies should set five to seven performance indicators that are focused on the most vital areas of their business. Examples include:

  1. revenue/profit
  2. cash flow
  3. customer satisfaction
  4. employee retention.

For instance, a manufacturing company wanted to set up trigger points, and one of those was related to revenue. So the CEO decided that if revenue fell below $2.5 million two months in a row, the trigger would “turn on,” alerting everyone in the company that immediate corrective action was necessary.  In the case of this particular financial shortfall, the options for corrective action included increasing sales goals, cutting overhead, or a combination of the two. After two months, the benchmark was not achieved, so corrective action was taken to increase sales goals. Then revenue suffered for the third month, so the CEO eliminated overhead by cutting back on staff. As a leader, this CEO had to look for solutions that would protect profits and maintain business viability.

Of note, he could have opted to take no action—a decision that’s an action in and of itself—however, this can be the riskiest decision that a leader makes.

Benefits of Trigger Point Indicators

While many companies may set expectations around their Vital Factors, where they fall short is putting in place these important performance indicators, which put the leadership on alert and force a decision point. Yet without trigger points, it’s impossible to know when to be proactive and how your company is truly performing. Running a business without markers in place is also highly stressful because when the “hope” fails, which it will at some point, the floor drops from under you. That’s scary, to say the least, and everyone knows that the biggest mistakes are often made when you’re fearful, under intense pressure, or facing major time constraints.

While the economic downturn has exposed the fact that countless companies have used “hope” as a strategy for operating business, it’s also been a major game-changer. Savvy business leaders are modifying company systems and performance management processes, putting tools in place that really work. As mentioned, performance triggers should correlate to major Vital Factors, but they should also be designed to work on the micro-level, such as with specific projects and programs.

Like the alarm system you “wished you had installed,” performance indicators may have been something you’ve overlooked in the past, and you’re not alone if that’s the case. Many other company heads haven’t recognized the need, but now you know why they’re crucial to a company’s livelihood. Putting trigger points in place today could be the best small action you might ever take to save your business from crisis and drive it into a permanent position of success.