Collaboration is not the same today as it was 20 years ago. 

In today's global economy, high-speed communications allow virtual teams to take on projects from locations spread out across the globe. To keep up with this rapidly growing trend, employees are expected to have both traditional team-building skills and the self-direction to effectively collaborate from afar. AMA believes that your collaborative success depends on:

  • Developing trust: When the only forms of communication are emails, net meetings, and conference calls, you need to know how to develop trust without face-to-face interaction.
  • Leading with Influence: Teamwork goes with leadership. Learn how the ability to influence those around you can be your greatest leadership asset.
  • Working fluidly across boundaries: Learning people's methods, cultural references, and work habits are necessary to collaborate for an effective end.
  • Demonstrating global awareness: Your ability to understand what is going on in the world is essential in becoming an active and informed teammate and leader

These skills will give participants the chance to become an integral member and leader in today's global economy. For a complete listing of AMA seminars, webcasts, books and articles on collaboration, see below.






  • The Science of Asking Great Questions, by Jim Camp
    Asking questions is a science and an art. The art is found in your tone of voice, your body language, and your remarks before asking your questions. The science is found in how you construct your question.
  • Want to Get Your Way? Watch and Listen
    The ability to speak persuasively is, of course, central to making an effective argument—the ability to listen skillfully and effectively is just as important.

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